[세미나안내]KAIST SW대학원 & 앱센터특별 공개강좌
2013-06-27 09:21
KAIST SW대학원과 앱센터는 Google 이스리엘 R&D센터의 Director인 Yossi Matias 를 모시고 특별 공개세미나를 개최합니다. 창업국가로 잘 알려진 이스라엘에서의 기업가 정신에 대하여 강연하고 토론합니다. 창조경제의 주체인 우리 기업가들과 IT인, 과학기술인들에게 큰 혜안을 제공할 것입니다. 모두 오셔서 참여해 주시기 바랍니다. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Entrepreneurship in Startup-Nation Yossi Matias Managing Director, Israel R&D Center & Sr. Director, Search, Google 7월2일(화) 5:00, KAIST 도곡교육장 (오시는 길 http://swp.kaist.ac.kr/map.html) Summary We will discuss the high-tech environment in Israel, often dubbed as the 'startup-nation', and offer a few personal observations regarding the entrepreneurship nature of its eco-system. Yossi Matias is the managing director of Google's R&D Centre in Israel, with overall responsibility for Google research, development, and technology innovation in Israel. He is a senior director at Google’s Search organization. He joined Google in 2006, to build the Tel Aviv Center and has later merged the Tel Aviv and Haifa centres into a single strategic Israel R&D centre, which is part of Google's global engineering organisation. He also oversees Google’s University Research program in Europe, and is the exec lead and founder of Campus Tel-Aviv, a technology hub for entrepreuners and developers. Prof. Matias is on the faculty of Tel Aviv Univ., was previously a research scientist at Bell Laboratories and a visiting professor at Stanford. He earned his PhD (with distinction) at Tel Aviv University and his MSc from the Weizmann Institute of Science. He is a recipient of the 2005 Godel Prize in Computer Science and is a Fellow of the ACM for his pioneering work on Big Data. Matias has been extensively involved in the high tech industry in leadership roles as an entrepreneur and executive, in the areas of search technologies, internet privacy, database technologies and business intelligence. -- 입장 무료, 세미나 문의 변보영 (02-3498-7575) Prof. Jin Hyung Kim KAIST 교수. (사)앱센터 이사장 @profjkim 대전 전산학과 042-350-3517 서울 소프트웨어대학원 02-3498-7576 |